Sep 25, 2013 | jasonwads | 1772 views
Atom Rep Team has strong showing in first game
The Fairfield Park Atom Reps travelled to Lambeth on Sep 24th to take on the Lambeth Lancers in their season opener.
After falling down 2-0 after the first period, Wallaceburg dominated the second period with Connor Debot opening the scoring for Wallaceburg on a great pass from Connor Lubbers springing him on a breakaway. Jackson Oliver banged home a rebound for the second goal. Connor Debot struck again early in the 3rd period to go ahead 3-2, but Lambeth was not going to give up scoring 3 goals in a 6 minute span. Down 5-3 Wallaceburg did not give up and continued to battle and with 1:12 to go in the 3rd, Daniel Fraleigh got his year started with a beauty goal. With the goalie out for the last 45 seconds of the game Wallaceburg put the pressure on, but could not beat the Lambeth netminder. Stong goaltending by Matthew Pickering and excellent defensive play from all defense. Captain Connor Lubbers was strong down the middle and great Atom Rep debuts of Cameron Hazzard, Ethan McLachlin, Kanton Verstraeton, Ty Myers, Ashton Shipman, Danny Jacques and Lucas Knight. Although he did not find the back of the net Taylor Mader was buzzing the net all night long. Next game is Saturday in Wallaceburg at 4:20 pm. Let's go Lakers!! Hard Hat award went to Connor Debot!