A Huge Thank You To Everyone!, News, Frank Dymock Classic 2019/20, 2019-2020 (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

This Tournament is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 18, 2020 | Paul Deanna Crumback | 435 views
A Huge Thank You To Everyone!
On behalf of the WMHA and the Frank Dymock Classic Tournament, we would like to thank everyone that made this weekend a huge success. We had 20 teams in three divisions that played a total of 39 games. 

Thank you to all of the teams that participated... we saw some great hockey on the weekend! 

Thank you to all of our volunteers that spent their time at the arenas this weekend. Events like this cannot happen without your help.

Thank you to our sponsors that supported this event.

WMHA Chatham Pro Shop Jersey Dairy Ltd.

Wallaceburg Hockey Moms Play It Again Sports Sarnia Arkel Tool & Die Inc.

WMHA Leaf Alumni Committee Sarnia Sting OMHA

Wallaceburg Sports Hall of Fame Bill's International Pizza TD Bank

CMF Group Mark & Sarah's No Frills McDonald's

GUSPRO - Blademaster Great Canadian Oil Change Tim Horton's


And a special thank you to the Frank Dymock Family.


Thanks to everyone who supported our Hockey Moms Fundraisers.  If you have any of the following tickets please contact our Hockey Mom representative Kelly LaMarsh (kell_bellj@hotmailcom) to get your prize.

50/50 - Sunday - Orange Ticket # 351466
**Raffle Table - Leaf Alumni Tickets - Yellow ticket # 1041
**Raffle Table - Oil Change - Yellow ticket # 1320

Winners have until March 31st, 2020 to claim their prize or they will become property of WMHA (as noted during the tournament).  **The winners of the raffle table prizes have been notified by phone.