Mar 16, 2019 | tcogghe | 488 views
Come join us today (Saturday, March 16th) at the Wallaceburg Arena for the MARK WEESE MEMORIAL TYKE/IP JAMBOREE.
This is a fun event organized for the IP & TYKE divisions full of hockey, good times and smiles all while remembering and celebrating the life of Mark Weese.
The jamboree will run from 8:30am until 6pm and will feature a 50/50 draw, a raffle table with amazing prizes, and a lot of FREE hockey to enjoy. With half ice format you there will be 2 games on at once; enough to get your fill. And at one point in the afternoon the teams will get their chance to show off their skills on the obstacle course. We even will feature the Atom Girls playoff game @ approximately 10:30am - and after the event stay and watch our Bantam and Midget Reps continue their playoff run!!
So come out and join us and watch these kids show us what the game is all about - FUN!!