The tournament will have games played at both the Waplole Sports Complex and the Wallaceburg Memorial Arena, however, the tournament headquarters will be located at the Wallaceburg Memorial Arena. All coaches will be required to register into the tournament upstairs and recieve their team package before playing their first game.
Througout the day participants and spectators can enjoy the Hockey Moms 50/50 Draws, Raffle table with lots fo great prizes and don't forget the Bake Sale with all sorts of delicious goodies. In between games teams and spectators can visit local restaurants where they can benefit from coupons and tournament specials (check your team packages and tournament programs for more information. Also on Saturday February 14th from 10am - 4pm the Wallaceburg & District Museum will open it's doors to visitors at a discounted price to visit the Frank Dymock Display found in the Sports Hall of Fame.