A HUGE THANK YOU - FRANK DYMOCK A SUCCESS, News, SARNIA STING (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

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Organization | Feb 18, 2020 | tcogghe | 34630 views
On behalf of the WMHA and the Frank Dymock Classic Tournament, we would like to thank everyone that made this weekend a huge success. We had 20 teams in three divisions that played a total of 39 games.

 Thank you to all of the teams that participated... we saw some great hockey on the weekend!

Thank you to all of our volunteers that spent their time at the arenas this weekend. Events like this cannot happen without your help.

Thank you to our sponsors that supported this event.

WMHA Chatham Pro Shop  Jersey Dairy Ltd. 
Wallaceburg Hockey Moms Play It Again Sports Sarnia  Aarkel Tool & Die Inc.
WMHA Leaf Alumni Committee Sarnia Sting OMHA
Wallaceburg Sports Hall of Fame Bill's International Pizza TD Bank
CMF Group Mark & Sarah's No Frills
GUSPRO - Blademaster Great Canadian Oil Change
 Tim Horton's
 Sher-Wood  Wallaceburg & Walpole Island Arena Staff

And a special thank you to the Frank Dymock Family.


Thanks to everyone who supported our Hockey Moms Fundraisers.  If you have any of the following tickets please contact our Hockey Mom representative Kelly LaMarsh (kell_bellj@hotmailcom) to get your prize.

50/50 - Sunday - Orange Ticket # 351466
**Raffle Table - Leaf Alumni Tickets - Yellow ticket # 1041
**Raffle Table - Oil Change - Yellow ticket # 1320

Winners have until March 31st, 2020 to claim their prize or they will become property of WMHA (as noted during the tournament).  **The winners of the raffle table prizes have been notified by phone.

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Your Music Variety Studio Address 520 James St. Wallaceburg, ON | Main Phone 519-627-0007 | Contest Phone 519-627-0991
Riversite Realty
Serving Wallaceburg, Dresden and the Bluewater area.
Novatrim Inc
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McDonalds Canada
The home of seriously fun hockey for kids. We believe kids’ hockey should be fun. That’s why we sponsor more than 53,000 Atom and Bantam hockey players across Canada each year.
Aarkel Tool & Die Inc.
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Tim Horton's
Timbits Minor Sports Program The Timbits Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program for children four to eight years old who participate in local house league sports teams. The program's philosophy is not based on winning or losing - but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just taking time out to be a kid. Tim Hortons currently sponsors over 200,000 children who play on hockey, soccer, lacrosse, t-ball, baseball and ringette teams across Canada and in the United States. Each sponsored team is supplied with Timbits Minor Sports jerseys or T-shirts. Timbits hockey teams are often given the opportunity to play on-ice scrimmages during intermissions at Junior, American Hockey League (AHL) and National Hockey League (NHL) games. Timbits players are also given the opportunity to play in their own "Timbits Jamboree", a fun-filled Tim Hortons sponsored event where everyone receives a prize, food and beverages.