Sep 14, 2024 | Chris Dobbelaar | 808 views
U9-MD1 Final Roster
I want to congratulate the players listed below as you have all made the U9-MD1 team. Our first team practice will be on Sunday, September 15th at 3:50pm.
Bechard, Carter
Dionne, Tanner
Dobbelaar, Zach
Duchene, Edison
Feddes, Eli
Heuvelmans, Lawson
Heuvelmans, Lennox
Kridiotis, Harley
Lane, John
Moran, Carson
O'Neil, Finnley
Ross, Evan
VanDamme, Cooper
Vyse, Mason
Walker, Jack
For those of you who are not on the list, please report to the U9-MD2 tryout on Sunday, September 15th at 5:00pm.
I want to thank everyone who tried out this year and I wish you all the best this hockey season.