Sep 23, 2023 | Chris Dobbelaar | 482 views
U9-MD2 Final Roster
I want to start by thanking all those who came out to the U9-MD2 tryouts. The turnout was amazing and it is great to see all of the kids improving and enjoying the game of hockey. The future of WMH looks bright.
I hope that all players continue to work hard throughout the course of the season.
Please welcome and congratulate the following players for making this year's team:
Austin Allaer
Bowen Brock
Zach Dobbelaar
Eli Feddes
Lawson Heuvelmans
Lenny Heuvelmans
Tobias Lallean
Kayde Murphy
Finn O'Neil
Nash Smith
Beckham Vancaille
Cooper VanDamme
Carson VanMensel
Mason Vyse
Jack Walker
All MD2 players will come to practice on Monday, September 25th at 6:10pm.
For those who are not on this list, please attend the next FC skate on Monday, September 25th at 5pm.