Sep 07, 2017 | Shane Fraleigh | 2058 views
Final Roster
Here is the Final Roster for the 2017/2018 Bantam Rep Team. If your name does not appear on the team list please show up to the Bantam team Seperation on September 9 @6pm in Wallaceburg.
Brody Fraleigh
Connor Debot
Cameron Hazzard
Ben Conlon
Taylor Mader
Mason Myers
Brayden Kraayenbrink
Kanton Verstraeten
Adam Atkins
Connor Lubbers
Tyler Cadotte
Jake Davis
Lucas Knight
Brett Wadsworth
Aiden Morse
AP Players
Caiden Desangher
Thank you to all who tried out. To The Players who made the team come ready to PLAY WITH A PURPOSE!