Sep 06, 2017 | Scott Gorry | 803 views
Midget Rep Tryouts
Final tryout list below: Sept.8th @ 5pm. Final team will be made 14 players 2 goalies
If your name doesn't appear next practice is: Sept.8th @ 10pm
Thanks for all that came out!!
Ethan Cadotte
Carter Benedict
Owen Kerr
Troy McFadden-Mcrae
Brody Genyn
Noah King
Jacob White
Solomon Whiteye
Tyler Davis
Styles Shipman
Lucas Jacobs
Jaelen Gittens
Tanner Cole
Brodie Mahoney
Kellen Franquist
Mason VanDellen
Riley Parker
Wesley Ferreira
Carter White
Kyle Toulouse
Hunter Fisher
Matthew Gorry
See you Friday