Neil Barker Tournament
January 13-15th 2017
Sanction: 17-017
The London Bandits are hosting the Neil Barker Memorial Tournament January13-15th.
- Top team from each pool plus highest second place finish move onto A Final
- All Second place teams from each group minis the team moving to A final move onto B final
Teams are asked to be at the arena 45 minutes before their scheduled game time. Teams should be prepared and read to play 15 minutes ahead of schedule start times, should tournament conditions permit.
Games for all division will be 10-10-10, stop time periods. Games will not have a curfew. No time outs are allowed in preliminary rounds, one per team in the quarter, semi and finals.
If 5 or more goal differential at start of the 3rd period the clock, will only stop if 4 or less at any time in the 3rd.
Round Robin games resulting in a tie after regulation time will remain in a tie.
Robin Round Standings will be determined by the following in descending order:
a) Most points - 2 for a win, 1 for a tie
b) Head-to-head competition if only 2 teams are tied
c) Using the results of the preliminary round robin games, the team with the highest result using the formula: Goals for/Goals for + Goals Against
d) The team that scored the most goals in the preliminary round robin
e) The team that allowed the fewest goals again in the preliminary round robin
f) The team that scored the earliest goal in their first game in the tournament
g) Coin Toss
If a tie exists after regulation time in quarter or semi-final game, the tie will be broken by a 5 minute sudden-death period. All regular tournament rules will apply. Games still tied, will be broken by a shoot-out. Final Game: A TIE at the end of regulation time will be broken by a 10 minute, sudden death overtime period. If score is still tied, there will be a shoot-out.
Forfeit - If the game is a forfeit, it’s a 3-0 victory for the remaining team.