Dec 20, 2013 | Kristen Campbell | 1560 views
Mark Weese Tournament Dec 27th and 28th
Tyke Green games for the Mark Weese are as followed.
Dec 27th - 1:oo pm - vs Chatham - Walpole Island
Dec 27th - 4:35pm - vs Mooretown White - Walpole Island
Dec 27th - 5:35pm - luncheon - Walpole Island
Dec 28th - 1:40pm - Skills - Wallaceburg Arena
Dec 28th - 1:55pm - vs Mooretown Yellow - Wallaceburg Arena.
If you have not given me payment yet for this tournament please get that to me ASAP.
I will also be contacting everyone for volunteer duties during the tournament. Each team is designated specific time slots.
Kristen Campbell