Jan 05, 2014 | smartin | 1522 views
Tyke White Tournament
The Tyke White team is registered in the Lambton Shores tournament which will take place Feb 14-16th. We have set aside a block of rooms at a hotel in Grand Bend (Oakwood Resort).
If you would like to stay over night either Friday or Saturday night please call the hotel (1-800-387-2324) and book a room there. Please tell them that you are part of the Wallaceburg Tyke White block of rooms and you will be booked into the block and we will all be in the same area. You have until January 14th to make your reservation and then the remaining rooms in our block will be open to the public. The overnight stay is your decision and not mandatory. There is a good chance that Saturday or Sunday we will have an early morning game. I will send the schedule to you once I receive it. If you have any questions please contact me or discuss at our practices or games. Please note that I will be asking everyone for $50 for the registration fee for this tournament. You can pay me directly at any time. Thanks.