Team Manager Information Package (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

PrintTeam Manager Information Package

Wallaceburg Minor Hockey

Managers Guide Book         


The Team Manager is a central figure in creating the flow of communication – not only within the team (players, parents and coaches), but between the team and all support systems such as the Minor Hockey Association, Convenors, League Managers, other teams, referees and officials. By taking on the operational aspects of the team, the manager enables the coach to focus on player development and on-ice instruction to provide the players with rewarding hockey experiences.

Every team will organize themselves slightly differently to best function in their surroundings, however, there are still many tasks that all Team Managers will need to complete regardless of what team they work with.


First line of action is to ask the WMHA registar ( Cezar Soares [email protected]) for emails of possible team players from their registrations. It is a great way to start communication to send reminders of dates for try outs and conditioning 


To aid Team Managers in the smooth operation of their team, Hockey Canada has created the Team Manager’s Manual that identifies key topics that managers need to address and provides numerous working appendices that can be customized to fit the needs of each unique team.

Key Topics:

  • uncheckedEducation
  • uncheckedTeam meetings 
  • uncheckedVolunteers, sub-committees & delegation 
  • uncheckedFundraising
  • unchecked50/50 
  • uncheckedTeam specific sponsorship 
  • uncheckedApplying for tournaments & travel permits 
  • uncheckedIpad  & Game sheets - $25 fine if not.
  • uncheckedHockey parents & getting involved 




As a team manager you are required to complete the following training and education for both on and off the bench. 

  • Gender identity and expression course

  • Respect in sport - activity leader course

 links for both can be found on  


The fees incurred for your training & PVSC can be reimbursed by the WMHA organization - send receipts to Chris VanMensel - [email protected]



Team meetings are essential in the development of formal communication amongst a team and they encourage participation from all members. An initial meeting should be set up shortly following the formation of the team – for many this will be the first time they meet other players, parents and coaching staff. Ideally, the manager should be in place before the initial team meeting, which should also discuss the season goals, tournaments and preliminary budget. This helps to ensure that all parents understand the commitment, both time and financial up‐front and before the season commences.

 The importance of team rules and safety should be introduced for discussion. Medical forms need to be handed out and returned as soon as possible to the trainer. These forms need to be at each game and practice; the players can not participate in practices or games without these forms completed. These forms can be found on our WMHA site - association documents. 

Inform all parents/guardians  that their Spordal accounts are to be updated with current information for players & their family. Proof of residency and birth certificates need to be uploaded to their accounts in order to have roasters approved for game play. 

Have extra copies of any handouts or forms that need to be circulated to parents and players (such as Fair Play Codes, medical forms, jersey parents & volunteer sign up. Having information in handout forms for parents to take away will assist with the retaining of dates and details. These forms along with the basic outline of a team meeting can be found on our WMHA website. 

You may find it helpful to have a coaches meeting prior to the parent meeting to ensure coaching staff are all prepared to answer any questions or concerns parents may have. 

 Once the First Parent Meeting has taken place, team meetings can be set based on the team’s need and desire for more meetings. Many sub‐committees will form following the first meeting as well. Every Team Manager must delegate, it would be virtually impossible to perform all tasks alone.


The most important thing the Team Manager can do is delegate – it is almost impossible for a Team Manager to do everything without help. Not only will the Team Manager’s stress levels decrease, but having parents take a hands-on approach with their child’s team will increase communication among the parents. A strong parent base will make for a strong team.   Most parents will be prepared to volunteer in some capacity; a good rule of thumb is that each family should take on at least one role.

Team volunteer positions include 

  • Home Jerseys ( contract form ) 

  • Away Jerseys  (contract form ) 

  • Truth and reconciliation jerseys 

  • 50/50 ticket sellers ( at least two volunteers for each team ) 

  • Fundraising sub-committee

  • In game music ( wireless now available ) 

***NEW***  The following volunteer positions MUST have at least one volunteer per team to represent their team in the following Wallaceburg Minor Hockey boards sub-committees 

  • WMHA - tournament sub-committee 

  • WMHA - Spirit of the community - Heritage sub-committee 

  • WMHA - Banquet sub-committee 

Fill out appropriate form in package and send/hand to secretary Samantha Childs - [email protected]

Team Manager should circulate a schedule and a parents’ contact / responsibility list to all parents. This could help resolve disputes later in the season, and helps direct information and ideas to the proper party. The parents signed up for the volunteer positions are to be responsible for swapping shifts or finding their own replacement. However the team Manager should be prepared on occasion to fill in when someone has to cancel. If people are consistently not fulfilling their roles, the Manager will need to contact the WMHA president or vice president. 

However, the Team Manager should be aware of or involved in the operations of these subcommittees and should pass along updates to the rest of the team. Should a volunteer not carry through with their tasks, this supervision and monitoring will ensure the problem is caught early on and dealt with based on team policy. Many of the duties covered in this manual will actually be carried out by the parent volunteers and not directly by the Team Manager.



Team finances often fall on the shoulder of the team manager. They act as the liaison between players, parents and the coaching staff. Managing money, sponsorships, budget and finances are just some of the responsibilities that end up in their lap. Keeping the team money transparent and separate from personal funds are two of the most important tips to remember. 

-  ALL fundraisers must be submitted by November 11th with a start and end date which will have to be approved by Whitney Jacobs & the Parent Reps before they begin. This is to make sure teams are not all doing the same fundraisers etc. will need to have an estimated start and finish time in which the fundraiser will be held. 

Whitney Jacobs - [email protected]

- ALL teams must submit 25% from each fundraiser to WMHA and keep the remaining 75% to put towards team expenses such as tournament entry fees, extra ice time, team apparel, team building events, year end team party, and team awards outside of WMHA awards. 

- Chris VanMensel [email protected] 

- Team fundraising funds may only exceed the amount of team fees outlined sent to hockey parent rep ( Whitney Jacobs ) ( eg tournament fees, on and off ice team development, team apparel ) any additional fundraising monies (including 50/50 sales)  over set team fees are to be 100% given to the organization - families should not *profit off of fundraising events for their teams. 

  • Teams must submit a fundraising financial report on the actual income and expenses within two weeks of the fundraising event end date to the WMHA hockey parent rep, financial liaison and vice president. 

  • Team home games 50/50 and WMHA raffle box 50/50 count towards team funding as well. 

  • Any funding money raised above the total team fee budget will become 100% property of WMHA.


  • Each team may decide to do home game 50/50 sales to help offset team fee’s. 

  • WMHA provides the license for all teams. 

  • There are tables and chairs at the front entrance cubby that can be used as well as tickets, signs, cash box, raffle box & record keeping binder are all kept in the main lobby lock up. 

  • You must complete the 50/50  form in the binder for each 50/50 drawn. This is a regulation set by the OLG committee and is essential to being able to submit for next year's license. EVERY winner (first and last name) and amount MUST be logged properly, failure to do this and your team will lose their 50/50 rights for the season.

  • Teams are to provide their own float to take with them. WMHA is not responsible for lost/misplaced floats.  

  • These sales work best with 2 volunteers from each team. 

* In game 50/50s are all to be sold at the same price 

  • 1 for $2, 3 for $5 or 10 for $10


-75% Team - 25% WMHA 

-$5000 total limit - team receives $3750, WMHA receives $1250

-All potential team specific sponsorships must first be approved by the director of Marketing- Megan VanDeVelde - [email protected].

- The director of Marketing will provide teams with an approved WMHA Sponsorship letter that will be used to contact sponsors. Team specific sponsorship is any money receiving compensation for volunteer hours by a business or from a business Benevity program. 

-Team specific sponsorship funds must come in the form of a cheque payable to WMHA 

   ** no cheques shall be written directly to team or individual representing a team

- WMHA will collect the funds and return the team's portion back to the team.

Team apparel, equipment, and team building event sponsors count toward team sponsorship totals. If teams collect funds over the limit, those funds will become 100% property of WMHA. 

-Team sponsorships will not be advertised on the WMHA website, under main jersey sponsorships but can be advertised through facebook and under individual team website news.  


Travel permits for all games & tournaments have to be submitted to either 

OMHA Rep - Ron Barnes -  [email protected]

OWHA Rep - Julia Brooks - [email protected]

You also must have an approved team roster finalized from Cezar Soares [email protected]

Please also contact Referee in Chief, Shane Pollock - [email protected] to schedule referees whenever hosting an exhibition/scrimmage event. 

* Home Tournaments - 15 hours minimum of volunteer time by the team or the team plays the full registration fee for the tournament. Manager of the team will be responsible - to fill out volunteers. Only teams participating in the tournament are required to do their 15 hours. 






U9 have paper game sheets for all half ice games - game sheets have to be emailed to [email protected] or to [email protected]  - can use notes app After each game - once full ice opens up, U9 will switch to using the Ipad. 

For games on the ipad - either the manager or one of the coaching staff must ensure that their game has been signed off by the referees, and uploaded on the Game sheet app on the ipad. Failure to upload games within 24 hours will result in a $25 fee paid for by the team. You may need to venture to the main lobby in order to get wifi to upload your game. 

Ipads can be found in the main equipment room in the safe. Please make sure to always plug in the ipad after use to recharge. You may use the black Ipads for the co-ed teams and pink Ipads for the girls teams.  




WMHA team apparel can be purchased from the Wallaceburg Minor hockey website under the parents tab at any time. Hockey parents receive a percent from each sale & own the rights to the WMHA logo. Contact Whitney Jacobs for any questions in regards to logo and apparel. 

Hockey Parents

Hockey parents is a group of volunteers within the WMHA community who are dedicated to supporting Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association through fundraising, volunteering and community involvement. 

Amanda White is our Director of Communications & Social media and will be reaching out with a Google Doc so teams can share pictures throughout the season much easier! 

Feel free to send team updates and celebrations to Amanda at [email protected] so we can all celebrate them together online. 

Follow us on - Facebook - WMHA Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association 

Board meetings are held usually at the arena the 3rd Thursday of each month in the arena in the room above the rink  @ 6:30.

Wallaceburg Minor Hockey will be hosting a Wallaceburg Minor Hockey day - each team is encouraged greatly to help out in any way possible to make it a successful and fun day for everyone! Please contact Whitney Jacobs for further questions or information. 


Forms can be found on WMHA - About us - WMHA Organization - association documents 

OMHA.Net - Team officials - Managers - Education 

WMHA website 

WMHA executive and staff contacts are all listed on the WMHA website. 

Changes for policy and procedures can be motioned at any board meeting and can be voted on by board members for possible approval. 

Amendments are to be sent in to the WMHA secretary at least 2 weeks before AGM.  * meeting dates differ from year to year. 

Any additional questions or concerns please reach out to Samantha Childs - Secretary [email protected] or Hockey Parent Representative - Whitney Jacobs [email protected]