WMHA Members,
Please take a moment to read and understand the OMHA release from September 4 and OWHA Release on Sept 2 in regards to mandatory vaccinations for all eligible participants.
HERE: September 4, 2021 OMHA News Release
The OMHA is mandating that all players (born in 2009 and earlier), coaches, bench staff & volunteers must be fully vaccinated for two full weeks after October 31, 2021, in order to participate in hockey activities. If the two week waiting period extends into November there will be a period of time that applicable participants will be required to wait for the two weeks to expire.
At present, this policy does not apply to hockey players born after 2009 or hockey spectators.
If this directive impacts your player's ability to participate in the 2021 / 2022 season and or, you choose to withdraw your registration, it is important you let us know.
We understand this directive by the OMHA and by the Ontario Government may not align with all Participant's plans, and we respect your choice. We want to give you an opportunity to consider your decision carefully.
WMHA will need to know your intentions by Sept 13, so we can have time to advertise roster spot openings, and adjust scheduling plans for the season.
Refund Requests - If you would like to request a registration refund please send email to
The OWHA (Girls) will have more information released after a meeting scheduled for Sept 8. Currently the OWHA required all participants to be fully vaccinated by October 17 2021
Click here for OWHA September 2 Bulletin
WMHA Board has planned an emergency board meeting to address this OMHA Announcement and will be gathering more information in order to make informed decisions and update you on any additional information you will need.
Thank you,