REGISTRATION UPDATE REGARDING COVID-19, News, U8 (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

This Category is part of the season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | May 15, 2020 | Ryan Allaer | 5158 views
To All Current and future hockey families,

It is Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association's Goal to always keep all of our players and families safe on and off the ice. As we navigate through these unprecedented times we continue to modify and adapt our approach to a hockey season while sticking to our goal. 

Please rest assure that the current WMHA board is monitoring the effect of COVID-19 on the upcoming season and how we can responsibly structure a plan for return to hockey. We will be working with Hockey Canada, OMHA, OWMA, OHF and our facility providers to determine the steps needed to safely start hockey again as soon as possible.

For those able, our current payment schedule remains the same with final payment required by August 20.  To facilitate families negatively effected by COVID-19 we will be looking into alternate payment schedule options that can assist each family in managing the expense of hockey, while respecting our own financial obligations. Please do not hesitate to email Chris Vanmensel – Director of Registrar @ [email protected] to discuss options.

In the very unlikely event that there is a cancelation of the season – WMHA will commit to sending back refunds in a timely manner.

Regardless of the current Hockey Outlook we encourage ALL Players to Pre-Register Without Payment Online-at the Links Below.  This will allow us to accurately plan for the upcoming season 

Our Goal remains the same, Keep Everyone Safe, and Provide an Opportunity to ALL Hockey Players in our area.  

WMHA Board of Directors

Wallaceburg OMHA (Co-ed) Online Registration Page - Click HERE

Wallaceburg OWHA (Ontario Womens Hockey Association) Online Registration Page - Click HERE

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