News Announcement, News (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

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May 13, 2024 | WMHA | 619 views
News Announcement
WMHA would like to thank everyone for attending the AGM on May 7th.
We would also like to share the 4 raffle ticket winners who each received $250 off of hockey registration for the 24-25 hockey season. 
Please congratulate Lyndsay Vink, Tom VandeVelde, Rebecca Bishop & Jeff Rosseel!

WMHA would like to also congratulate and welcome our new board members for the 2024-2025 season. 
Please welcome Ron Barnes (OMHA Rep.), Julia Brooks (OWHA Rep.), Sean Hogan (U7 Convenor), Tyler White (Heritage Director), Kelly Wigle (OWHA Rep. Assistant) and Jodi O'Neil (Treasurer Liaison). 

WMHA would also like to extend our appreciation for the members that are moving on.
I would like to personally thank Jeff Fox, Adrian Kloet, Mike Moniz, Trevor Williams & Luke Lauzon for all of your years of service, volunteering with WMHA!
Thank you for your involvement, support and efforts towards making WMHA better every year!

Lastly, a friendly reminder that the "Early Bird" Hockey Registration is May 31st!

Go Lakers!
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