Mar 22, 2023 | Mike Moniz | 1560 views
Lakers Award Nominations
Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association 2022-2023 award nominations are now open! Submit your nominations by email to Shane Fraleigh -
[email protected] & Kyle White -
[email protected]
Get your nominations in by April 8 as we're looking forward to presenting our awards at the year-end banquet April 22!
Coach of the Year: The award is granted to a coach that guides our players for success both on and off the ice by instilling a positive attitude, competitiveness and a love of hockey. They set a good example, share a passion for the game while making teamwork and fun a priority.
Hockey Mom of the Year Present: The award is granted to a current mother of a player that exemplifies a passion for hockey and volunteers their time in support of Wallaceburg Minor Hockey
Hockey Mom of the Year Past: The award is granted to a community member who does not have a child playing in our system yet exemplifies a passion for hockey and may volunteer their time in support of Wallaceburg Minor Hockey
Frank Dymock Award: The award is granted to a current player or student in the community who exemplifies a passion for hockey and volunteers their time in support of Wallaceburg Minor Hockey. This player/student demonstrates a positive attitude and is an excellent teammate