several teams are not quite finished with the 2021-2022 season, we're already
looking ahead to build off this successful season and have our best season ever
in 2022-2023. Stay tuned for our registration and try-out info coming shortly.
It's amazing to
see how far we’ve come this season and over the last two years of running a
Minor Hockey Program in the Pandemic. THANK YOU! to everyone who has done their
part in making a success of a very difficult time and THANK YOU! to everyone
for your patience.
We’re striving to deliver the BEST minor hockey program while developing our players on and off the ice. To accomplish this, we rely on everyone in Lakers Nation…not just the Board, the Coaching Staff, the Volunteers and we’re asking you to help by providing feedback on the WMHA Program.
Getting your feedback is important to our success. Please follow the link below and please provide your feedback. You can do the survey anonymously or if you leave your name, you’ll be entered into a draw for a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant.
Please follow the link below
2021-2022 Season Highlights
· RaffleBox 50/50 bringing over $80,000 to our organization including an average of $100 off registration for each player!
· New WMHA Jerseys for our Lakers! (And what about those jersey hoodies :O)
· WMHA Skills camps with top end Instructors (despite the challenges with scheduling during the pandemic)
· Our highest per-game attendance on record! Including games over 500!
· Some amazing player development!
· New skills equipment purchases of over $15,000!
Things to work on…
· A solid schedule for our skills camp right out of the gate in September
· A community event…with the pandemic restrictions we can’t wait!
· Overcoming the budget shortfall of lost gate revenue when we can no longer charge a gate for our games in 2022-2023
Thank you everyone and please join us at the Black Goose on April 23rd!