Hello Lakers, Visiting Teams, and Fans
Chatham Kent has recently updated the Arena use protocols and policies that effect Arena Entry and Facility use.
Please View the Updated Document on our Website for full details:
Chatham Kent Arena Use and Vaccination ProtocolWe encourage all Players and Fans alike to respectfully follow the rules set out by our Facility Operators so we can continue to move forward with a Positive, Meaningful and Long term Hockey Program.
Here's a Summary of CK Rules surrounding Arena Entry and Use:
Vaccine Verification Requirements
• Currently, every spectator 12 years of age and older entering the facility must provide identification and proof of being fully vaccinated.
• Anyone 12 years and older including activity participants, coaches, officials and volunteers entering the facility must provide the following as approved by The Chatham-Kent Public Heath Unit:
o Provide identification and proof of being Fully Vaccinated or Partially Vaccinated against COVID-19 or a valid medical exemption as of October 31st, 2021.
o Provide identification and proof of being Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19 or a valid medical exemption as of November 30th, 2021.
• User groups may have more COVID restrictions as required and/or directed by their associations and/or their governing bodies.
• A negative rapid antigen COVID-19 test will not be accepted for entry into the facility.
Entrance to Facility and Rink Areas
• Entry doors will be unlocked once the screening and vaccine verification volunteer is in place and the doors will be locked immediately after the screening and vaccine verification volunteer leaves their post.
• Participants and coaches will be able to enter the arena as soon as the screening and vaccine verification volunteer(s) are present. All patrons 12 years and older entering the facility must pass the screening and vaccine verification process.
• Spectators will be permitted to enter the facility 60 minutes before puck drop on game nights provided the screening and vaccine verification volunteer is present.
• Anyone who exits the building will need to complete the vaccine verification and screening process upon re-entry.
Exiting the Facility
• All participants, coaches, and spectators must vacate the facility within 30 minutes of the conclusion of their ice time unless participating in another booking following as a participant, coach, or spectator.
• A coach and/or a group representative must remain with the group until all participants have left the facility.