As you know the Municipality of Chatham Kent Covid19
Facility Procedures come into effect tomorrow.
This requires (with limited exceptions*):
• The patron must provide the required proof of identification and proof of
being fully vaccinated, and
• The business and organization must review and confirm the proof
These are requirements we must follow as organizations using the facilities. Failure to follow these requirements places minor hockey in jeopardy for our 300+ players.
There is a Grace Period for "On-Ice and On-Bench Staff" for games and practices. These Specific Volunteers can enter Arena until October 31 (Omha) and October 17( OWMA) without proof of vaccination. If a coach, trainer or manager will not be on bench/Ice during games/practices they can not enter until they have proof of vaccination. After Oct 31 Double Vaccination proof is required for all Bench Staff.
This is where we need to come together as a Lakers team to make this work. We ask for your effort to make this as easy as possible for our players and for the volunteers who work our screening table.
If you do not wish to follow the requirements to show identification and proof of vaccination please do not attend the arena. Failure to follow requirements and/or disrespectful behaviour towards CK Staff or WMHA volunteers will result in players being suspended and placed in "not in good standing" without opportunity for a refund.
As per our email from yesterday, we are providing an opportunity for withdrawal from hockey with a full refund by Friday of this week. We understand that not everyone shares the same perspectives on vaccination requirements and we respect your individual choices for your player. We will continue to work hard to overcome these potential obstacles for the Lakers who will continue to play this season.
Again, we look forward to continuing forward with hockey following the necessary requirements from OMHA/OWHA and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
*For specific details on limited exceptions please refer to the information below taken from the Proof of Vaccination Guidance for Businesses and Organizations under the Reopening Ontario Act
The Chatham Kent Policy is also found in our Risk management Menu on WMHA Website
Patrons who provide a written document, completed and supplied by a physician (designated as “MD”) or by a registered nurse in the extended class (designated as “Registered Nurse (Extended Class)”, “RN(EC)”, “Nurse Practitioner” or “NP”) stating that the individual is exempt for a medical reason from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and the effective time-period for the medical reason. Patrons with a medical exemption are required to present identification and a written document stating the individual is exempt for a medical reason to the business or organization.
To review proof of a medical reason for not being vaccinated against COVID-19, the business or organization must ensure:
• The name of the person in the written documentation matches the identification provided.
• The physician’s or registered nurse in the extended class’s information is complete by including:
o Name and contact information of the physician or registered nurse in the extended class;
o Logo or letterhead identifying the physician or registered nurse in the extended class;
o Statement that there is a medical reason for the individual’s exemption from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19; and
o Any effective time-period for the medical reason which includes the date the patron is seeking access to the business or organization.