Feb 07, 2020 | Shane Fraleigh | 1299 views
Thunderhawks Gold Game
WMHA Family come show your support Saturday February 8 at the Wallaceburg Thunderhawks game @ 8pm. The game is a charity game for Children Cancer in Memory of Ronny "Tuukka" Betterley, Ronny's older brother Jeff plays for the Thunderhawks. There will be items for auction and raffle as well as Gold Skate/Rally Towels for $5. The Thunderhawks Jerseys will be auctioned off after the game as well. All proceeds will be donated to ChildCan a charitable organization that helps families through these difficult times. Rick"Bear" Renders from Heavy Rescue 401 will be there signing autographs before the game. WMHA would love to see as many families from Wallaceburg at this game.