Sep 20, 2019 | Shane Fraleigh | 990 views
Volunteering Update
WMHA Hockey Family,
At this time I would like to let you know what will qualify for hours towards Volunteering for WMHA. Here is a list,
1 of 5 Coaching Staff on a Teams roster. (Coach, Asst Coach, Trainer, Manager)
Hockey Mom Rep ( 1 per Team )
Score Clock / Gate Keeping
Frank Dymock Tournament
Mark Weese Tournament
Selling 50/50 for WMHA ( Starting in January )
Hockey Mom/WMHA Events that will come up
There will training made available for the score clock in the coming weeks. All of this will be discussed at the Coaches meeting as well on Monday September 23,2019 @7pm at the Walpole Arena. There will a tab on our website set up for information pertaining to any event we will be having and who to contact to sign up. Thank you for your patience with the sch while we only have ONE ice pad to work with.
Shane Fraleigh
WMHA President