Banquet/Registration Dates/Award Nominations, News (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

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Mar 18, 2019 | Shane Fraleigh | 3678 views
Banquet/Registration Dates/Award Nominations
This years Banquet is April 27,2019. It is at the Walpole Island Arena. The time of the banquets are Pre School - Novice, doors open at 11:30 and Lunch is served a 12 noon. The Atom - Midget time is 4:30 doors open and supper at 5. The cost for the Noon Banquet - $10 per person and $15 per person for evening one. Please see your coach to order your tickets by April 15,2019.

If there are any nominations for this years awards please send them too Shane Fraleigh [email protected]  They are due by April 1,2019.

Coach Of The Year
Hockey Mom of the Year and Past Hockey Mom
Frank Dymock Award

Registration Dates

March 23,2019 -  12-3 - Wallaceburg Memorial Arena 
April 6,2019 - 1-3:30 - Wallaceburg Pool
April 13,2019 - 1-3:30 - Wallaceburg Pool
April 27,2019 - During the Banquet
May 11,2019 - 1-3:30 - Wallaceburg Pool
May 25,2019 - 1-3:30 - Wallaceburg Pool
May 31,2019 - 6-8 pm- Wallaceburg Pool

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Five Star Tool & Die Ltd.
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Novatrim Inc
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Aarkel Tool & Die Inc.
We began our tool making journey back in 1977 under the name Aar-Kel Moulds Ltd and we’ve been building robust tools and strong customer relationships ever since. Address: 17 Elm Dr. S, Wallaceburg, ON N8A 5E8