As everyone has heard through the rumor mill, there has been some changes in the following age groups of I/P through until Novice. Ages affected are 3-7. Hockey Canada has come out with a mandatory program for I\P, Tyke and Novice to start this hockey season. WMHA has had enough information to come forward to explain what will be happening. We would first like to say this is something that WMHA must follow and can not and will not protest.
WMHA understands the frustration that you the parents have with this and will do everything we can to make the transition as simple and painless as possible. Here is how it will follow. 4 year olds will be in Pre-School age group, 5 and 6 year olds will be in I\P, 7 year olds Tyke and 8 year olds will be Novice. All ages are by December 31,2017. The I/P age group will have half/cross ice games with a 4oz blue puck. All Tyke games will be full ice games with a 4oz blue puck.
Novice will be 8yr olds as well blended with 7yr olds. OMHA has allowed 7 yr olds to play Novice on a blended team of 8yr olds. We can not have a full team of 7 yr olds at the Novice level. OMHA has stated that NO 6 yr olds can AP to a Novice or Tyke roster. The age groups are consistent across Canada, NO hockey association will be able to alter their teams.
AS more information comes in we will relay it to you. For any Minor Hockey Association that does not follow the new rule their teams will not permitted to attend tournaments and will not be rostered. Again WMHA will be committed to giving your child the best hockey experience they can have. There is videos on the Hockey Canada website explaining why these decisions have been made. You can find them at Please take the time to watch these as it can be helpful. For any further questions please contact Shane Fraleigh at
[email protected].
WMHA Executive