Dec 12, 2016 | tcogghe | 4741 views
On behalf of the Mark Weese family and the Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association we would like to extend a huge THANK-YOU to all those who attended and supported this year's Tyke Fun Festival on Saturday Dec 10, 2016.Once again the event was a huge success with 8 Tyke teams and 140 participants registered. We also had a very successful raffle table, 50/50 and food drive for The Salvation Army; thank-you to everyone who supported these.

It was great to see Mark’s dad Bob join us to hand out medals and emphasize to everyone that this day was about "fun" and by the looks on the kids’ faces and response from the parents this was evident.
A huge thank-you to all of our volunteers and the following sponsors and volunteers who helped make it an amazing, successful day!

Thank-you again to everyone who celebrated with us, we look forward to next year and hope to see you there!