The date has finally been confirmed , we will be having the WMHA banquet at the Wallaceburg Arena April 19th.
IP/Tyke/ Novice will be held at 12:00pm tickets are $7.50 per person. doors open at 11:30 am.
Atom and up will be at 5:00 pm tickets are $15.00 each per person . Doors open at 4:30pm
Coaches please appoint one person per team to act as your team contact.
Team Contacts must collect money and the number of tickets required, then contact Sharon Young
[email protected] or
519-627-0216 and tickets will be available.
Thank you all;
Also please forward your nomination letters to April Blanchard
[email protected] for :
1 - Clifford Roy Young - Coach of the year,
2 - Frank Dymock - WMHA Player - Citizen of the Year award winners. - the player who best represents the community, his/her team. and herself/himself.
3 - Charlene Smith - Hockey Mom of the year award.
Please include a letter stating why a coach or player is deserving of the award. The board will meet prior to the banquet and nominations reviewed and a decision will be made.