Mar 22, 2014 | Kathleen Acchione | 8817 views
Peewee Rep Wins League Championship
Peewee Rep Team beat out South Huron in a 3 game sweep to win the League Championship. After having a rough start in regular season, once playoffs began they were unbeatable. Winning against both Lambton Shores and Dresden before this, also knocking each of them out in a 3 game sweep.
Congrats to the kids Tanner Cole, Anthony Acchione, Wesley Ferreira, Troy McFadden-McRae, Tyler Davis, Carter Benedict, Ethan Sands, Landon Allaer, Wenahbeh Shognosh, Riley Parker, Lucas Jacobs,Joel Morrison and Natalie Sands that worked so hard and the coaches Mike Parker, Bruce Sands, Darby Jacobs, and Brad Cole that did an amazing job getting them there.