Updated location for April 1st - Sydenham Pool
Hockey registration will start on Saturday March 22, there are 5 dates to take advantage of the early registration discount for next season.
We have had to raise fees this year to $750.00 per player in novice, atom, peewee, bantam, and midget. Tykes, IP and new (never played hockey before) players are $550.00 each. These fees includes a $50.00 raffle fee, the raffle tickets will be distributed in the fall and you can sell the tickets to get your $50.00 back if you so choose.
Try-out forms for AAA will be available at registration, please remember that you still need to register with WMHA in order to receive a tryout form. All registrants must pay their registration fees in order to be considered registered, this is mandated by omha to cover the players and the Associations insurance. NRP's or Passports for AA and A have not been delivered yet, but will hopefully be here soon.
New this year you will have the option of paying credit as well as cash and cheque. You must pay 1/3 of the registration fee in order to take advantage of the early rate, however you can pay the remaining 2/3's with post dated cheques as has been the practice in the past.
If you make use of any funding programs such as All for Kids, or Ontario Works, you may want to contact them as soon as possible to ensure you have coverage before April 30, or you will be charged the regular registration fee of $900.00.
The dates for registration are below, all will be held at the arena with the exception of April 1:
Saturday March 22, 9:00am - 11:30am
Tuesday April 1, 6:00pm - 8:00pm - SYDENHAM POOL
Saturday April 5, 11:30am - 1:00pm and 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Monday April 14, 6:00pm - 8:00pm