Please see below for WMHA updates from Chris Young.
Good Day WMHA members.
I would like to take this opportunity thank all of you and the Board Members for your dedication to the association. There are a few things I wanted to highlight for you :
1) Fees - The board has done its best to hold costs at the same level for the past few years , however it has become necessary to once again raise rates in order to cover the costs of the association. Registration fees will increase by $50.00 a player this season. In addition their will be a mandatory fundraising fee of $50.00 per registrant. This money can be recouped by you by selling raffle tickets. You will keep the money for the tickets you sell and turn in the stubs for the raffle. The raffle tickets will be distributed in September once the teams have been selected. The raffle will be the same as last years with a grand prize of "Gas for a year" plus many secondary prizes. We are looking for donations for the secondary prizes if you are interested in making a donation for the secondary prizes please contact Chris Young.
2) For the 2014-2015 season all fees will be paid in full before any player is allowed on the ice for conditioning camp or tryouts. There will be no exceptions to this policy in September. Beginning with the 2014-2015 season WMHA will be accepting credit card payments for registration fees: You will also be able to provide post dated cheques so that the balance is paid in full by Sept 1, 2014. The main driver for this is to ensure that WMHA is in compliance with the conditions of the Associations Liability Insurance policy.
3) If you require funding through Ontario Works or All for Kids please ensure you have filled out registration forms and have had them signed by the WMHA Registrar or designated official by April 30th in order to take advantage of the early registration discount. These registration forms must then be submitted to appropriate program for funding approval. Any funding differential will need to be paid in full prior to September 1,2014. If funding has not been approved by Sept 1, 2014 your child will not be allowed to participate until such time as approval is given or payment has been made.
4) Much discussion has been made about the leagues that WMHA teams participate in. Currently we have WMHA teams in Four league's.
Shamrock League - Rep and AE Teams
Western Ontario Girls Hockey League - Girls Atom Rep
Bluewater League - Novice AE team
Tri County Hockey League - Local League teams and tyke division
The board is considering a move for all OMHA Rep and AE teams to the Bluewater League, The Shamrock league operates 7 days a week with many games scheduled on weeknights with travel to St Mary's, Ingersoll, Dorchester, etc. The Bluewater league does not allow for weeknight regular schedule games ( unless travel time would be no different than what would be required for a practice) with the furthest travel being Tecumseh and Kingsville. All Rep/AE teams would then compete in the AE division of the league and would play teams from Kent (Chatham), Essex, Belle River, Tecumseh, Erie North Shore, Windsor, Lasalle..There are numerous other differences , If you have any questions about how the league operates please feel free to talk to Mark Grealis or Myself. Also attached is a comparison between the two leagues if you are interested - If you have something else to be considered please forward your suggestions.
5) As part of ongoing and continuing operations the Board also looks at the classification of the centre for OMHA playdown and tournament competition purposes , For a number of years the centre has been classified as a "B" Centre, for the 2013-14 season Petrolia was reclassified to a B centre and as you all know it has been a number of seasons since WMHA has competed for an OMHA title, as a result we are asking the question of making application to drop down to "CC" or "C" . There are many factors that affect our competitive status as a centre, A main factor is the continuing bleed of talented players to other centres such as Chatham and Sarnia, with out doubt this talent drain affects the association and the ability to compete for an OMHA title. So the question is if the centre continually competes for OMHA titles will the players stay or want to come back? I would be happy to hear your comments on this topic.
6) Girls Hockey in Wallaceburg - This season has been very successful for the Atom Rep Girls team. They continue to excel and are currently in the hunt for a League Championship, and a berth in the Provincial Championships. Based on current registration numbers there are enough young ladies in the Peewee, Atom, and Novice Divisions that should allow the association to have at minimum a Peewee and Atom team. Shortly you will see information with respect to tryouts - these will be held in April this year , pass the word and if you have a young lady who is interested in girls hockey please make myself or Carrie Vancoillie aware ASAP. Plans are still being worked on and will be communicated int next 10-14 days.
7) The Annual General Meeting is set for this Thursday March 6 2014 , 7:00 pm at Town Hall in Wallaceburg. This is a perfect time to discuss and ask questions, volunteer to help, if you have an idea and would like to volunteer your help is always welcome. Please refer to the Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Website as we will be electing positions to the board , new volunteers are critical to the continuing viability of your association.
8) The Annual banquet(s) will be held Saturday April 5, 2014 at the Arena.
9) Now is the time to submit your nominations to the Board for Coach of the year, please submit these by Wednesday March 26, 2014 to April Blanchard or me.
10) There will be a new award given in 2014 in memory of Frank Dymock to the Player who best represents his/her Team, Association, Community, and them selves in a positive manner . Please submit your nominations to April Blanchard or me by Wednesday March 26, 2014.
Thanks again,
Chris Young, President
Shamrock League |
Bluewater League |
Games Scheduled centrally
Games scheduled by coaches |
Monday to Sunday |
Friday – Sunday |
Gate fees in effect covers cost of refs |
No gate fees requires additional funding |
Furthest travel = 160K St Marys |
Furthest travel = 120K Amherstburg |
OMHA playdowns – play against OMHA centres of the same category |
OMHA playdowns – play against OMHA centres of the same category team once – with a day of champions |
Many game change requests – no limit
Max of three game change requests per |
Multiple league playoff formats |
Every team plays each team in their group |
Monthly league meetings in Mt Brydges
Monthly league meetings in Essex |