Please see the recent communication from Chris Young regarding the tryout process.
As there have been a lot of questions surrounding tryouts for Rep, AE, and Tri-County I thought an email may help clarify the process.
It is the goal of everyone in WMHA to have every child participate at the highest level of skill to which she/he may excel at. For teams to be successful we encourage players to go through the try out process.
In order for your child to try out for an AE team he/she must first be released by the rep team. failure to go through this step will result in the child being declared ineligible for AE hockey and will ressult in your child going directly to tri-county hockey.
I have attached an excerpt form the WMHA Policy and Procedures manual (The Policy and Procedures Manual can be found on the WMHA website) - see below. Please discuss your intention with the head coach before the selection process begins.
Rep head coaches are
Novice - Tom Highfield
Atom - Jason Wadsworth
Peewee - Mike Parker
Bantam - BJ Charpentier
Midget - Chris Jannsens
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me also.