Safety at the Arena, News (Wallaceburg Minor Hockey Association )

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Sep 17, 2012 | aseys | 3963 views
Safety at the Arena
Help keep everyone safe at the arena this season!  Please see the safety tips (and requirements) below.

1) Coaches must wear helmets with chin straps fastened under the chin at all times (especially when on the ice  - haha!) - this is an OMHA rule!

2) Players are not allowed on ice without mouthguards, chinstraps fastened, and neck guards, if they are not wearing them they will be asked to leave the ice immediately.

3) Please - leave the arena with all of your toes!!  Please don't walk around in or around the dressing rooms in flipflops, sandals or open toed shoes. Toes can disappear quickly if a coach or player with skates on steps on your foot by accident.

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McDonalds Canada
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Tim Horton's
Timbits Minor Sports Program The Timbits Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program for children four to eight years old who participate in local house league sports teams. The program's philosophy is not based on winning or losing - but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just taking time out to be a kid. Tim Hortons currently sponsors over 200,000 children who play on hockey, soccer, lacrosse, t-ball, baseball and ringette teams across Canada and in the United States. Each sponsored team is supplied with Timbits Minor Sports jerseys or T-shirts. Timbits hockey teams are often given the opportunity to play on-ice scrimmages during intermissions at Junior, American Hockey League (AHL) and National Hockey League (NHL) games. Timbits players are also given the opportunity to play in their own "Timbits Jamboree", a fun-filled Tim Hortons sponsored event where everyone receives a prize, food and beverages.